Jayce Verse was born July 2 [Niagara Falls Air Reserve Base] Niagara Falls, New York, raised in Pittsburgh, Pa until the age of 13. He relocated to Augusta, Ga formed a group, put 3 songs together, and started performing at a adult club at 15 years of age. By the age of 17, he was well known in the city. He earned the respect from Foxie 103.1 Dj Robert Taylor, who later introduced him to one of his Djs[Mojo] who seen his potentials . MoJo connected Jayce to some Atl contacts. He hit all of the talent shows in Atl, eventually signed to a label, but funds deterred the project. Other opportunities surfaced but ultimately Jayce Verse decided to invest his own funds into recording equipment, furthering the control of his destiny, World M.O.B Entertainment!
Jayce has a entrepreneur spirit and you will hear it in his music. He is on his Fast Forward, eyes fixed on the prize, taking no shorts.
Lets do this..
Jayce Verse: Thanks.. I try to feel every song I do. My emotion is my strength,
My hunger/drive comes from a.. rawness!
"I consider myself an MC and a poet. I'm not trying to dazzle you with words but I am going to move the crowd, and hopefully get some niggas to think beyond a beat; Hear the message im putting out."
999: What do you think the difference is between a Rapper and a MC?
Jayce Verse: Rappers [just]puts rhymes together. Sometimes it makes sense; sometimes it doesn't. Usually a rapper has a great beat and hook with no substance. A MC paints a mental picture and takes you on a ride, through emotions/lyrics and real life situations. They are telling a story. MC's usually have low budget production and non commercialized hooks. A true MC can move a crowd with a Guns and Roses instrumental. Dont get me wrong, the game needs rappers and MC's to have balance like good and evil.
Artists that influenced Jayce Verse artistically
Rev Run
James Brown
Sammy Davis Jr.
Jayce Verse: I write by emotion. Alot of my music is so true, I have to change situations and names to protect the guilty. Also, I am hungry, plain an simple. We came to eat(the M.O.B and myself). It's like my soul catches fire and flames melt the booth every song!
999: Do you Produce?
Jayce Verse: No I dont produce. I dont have the patience to make a beat. I work with alot of talented producers, that know my style and what I like. I'm always on soundclick or datpiff looking for the next banger.
999: What other talents do you own?
999: Who is hot now??
Jayce Verse: Jayce Verse, Drego the Great, Mystikal, Andre 3000 , Stunna Mane.
Jayce Verse: Look out for my new CD. "Most H8ed Dropping" 612 (June 12)
999: What are your short term goals? What are your Long term goals?
Jayce Verse: My short term goals is to put out "Most H8ed", get picked up on a spring/summer tour, Shoot some videos, start a womens clothing line. My long term goals are to make World M.O.B. Entertainment, a major force in the entertainment industry. Not just in the music business. The next 25 years is ours. I'd also like to branch out into acting in movies or a sitcom.

999: Do you have anything to tell the world out there, any shout outs?
Jayce Verse: Catch me @JayceVerse on twitter, or you can hit my website www.jayceversemusic.net.
I'd like to thank every HATER who inspired this album, every DJ who supports and spins a Jayce Verse record. All my fans and supporters on the web and in the streets. My label World M.O.B. Ent., Producers that believed in my project enough to let me jump on the track and see what it would do before Ever asking for a dollar, S. Augusta, Ga, and all the people in my life that keep it 100% with me, to keep me grounded. When you show love, Ill show love in return!
We in these streets man, hungry and cold. We see you in your mansion and your expensive rides, we asked for a way to earn our spot. We asked.. Now we Here, eatin at the table about to organize a hostile takeover, in the music industry. Just remember we asked, and its just business never personal! WORLD M.O.B. SOLIDER!
R.I.P. to Robbie Clemons III , Deon Nelson , Billy Valentine , Jenette Brooks, and all our fallen soliders- REST I know yall here with me! see you next lifetime!
999: Stay blessed brother, Elevation!
World M.O.B Entertainment Presentz: Jayce Verse 'The Most Hated'